DrawingandPaintingStudioNashua.com • Art Lessons/Classes Nashua • (603) 233 9565

Class Information

Classes are available to adults, teens and children. Students are accepted in classes from 9 years of age and up. Various mediums are introduced to students as they explore the elements of art through working with a host of different subjects. With only five students per class, each receives individual attention and guidance with the instructor. Over the years, I have prepared students for application to art school and other higher education programs of art. A number of my students have pursued careers as teachers, fashion designers, illustrators and more. Preparation is geared to the student's specific goals and the development of strong foundation skills. I frequently assist high school students in portfolio development. My studio is geared from the "first time artist" to the more accomplished artist needing to refine their skills and be part of a class situation. Many wish to satisfy a long held desire to finally explore the artist within that may have been put on hold while pursuing other life time commitments. I work to increase a student's technical skills through the handling of various drawing and painting mediums and most importantly finding their own particular style and vision in their work.

Mediums Taught:

Pencil - Charcoal - Pastel - Oil Paint - Acrylic Paint


Class Schedule & Times:


Wednesday               Thursday                   Friday                   Saturday


6 - 8 pm                   4 - 6 pm                    4 - 6 pm                10 am - 12 pm



Each class is a two hour session. Classes are run in blocks of "four consecutive weeks". On the fourth week, enrollment may be rolled over into additional blocks as often as you wish to continue your classes.


Gift Certificates are also available.

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